Centrix electro-bonding Tool
Product Description:
A portable hand-held induction heating tool for bonding single-ply membranes to a sub-structure using Centrix plates, fasteners and accessories. Gives a high quality concealed bond without penetrating the membrane.
- Multi-format: hold tool handset for detail and vertical hand work, or combine with Centrix Tool Holder to work standing up.
- Ultra-portable: small lightweight tool controller wearable as a backpack, carried or free-standing.
- Fast: trained users can easily perform 4~5 welds per minute, for exceptional productivity.
- OnTarget technology: our unique find light system helps you easily align the tool handset over a hidden plate, for a perfect bond every time. With auto start bonding – no buttons to press.
- Auto lap adjust: software automatically adjusts heat time to deal with laps/seams, for a consistent bond quality.
- Universal power: accepts wide input power range from 85 to 264VAC.
- Eco friendly: 1KW low power efficiency, allowing it to be powered by a small portable generator.
- Foil compatible: foil faced insulation material can be used with the Centrix electro-bonding system.
- International: multi-language user control screen functions in English, Spanish, French and German.
- Bond counter: password protected features to manage tool settings and audit user productivity.
- Quality control: as an engineered system, only genuine approved Centrix plates can be used with the Centrix tool. Controlled by a Centrix smartcard.
Any application that requires waterproofing membrane securing to a sub-structure (eg. roof, tunnel, below-grade construction etc).